Snow & Ice Resource Center

Ice management innovations

Written by Craig Sandmann | Feb 24, 2025 6:48:24 PM

Snow and ice management technology has come a long way since the days of keeping paper logbooks, relying on the television or radio for the latest weather updates, and not being able to communicate effectively with drivers on the job. Today, most contractors have adopted some form of technology for record keeping, weather tracking, communication and other business functions - even if it just using a smartphone.

What's even more impressive is how these technologies have become so integrated that they can practically automate ice management, making the work easier for drivers to complete jobs safely, efficiently and profitably. Considering the challenges of hiring and keeping workers in today's labor environment, it may be time to start putting these four technologies to work in your operation:

1 - Automated material application

One of the biggest challenges for contractors is understanding which materials to spread and how much to apply. People get even less confident when it comes to liquids for pre-wetting, anti-icing and deicing. If the wrong materials or rates are used, and the application doesn't work, then the contractor could be exposed to a slip-and-fall claim. This fear causes many drivers to err on the side of caution and overapply material.

This can eat into profitability, as the wasted material usually comes out of the contractor's pocket. Even more, using excessive salt means more trips back to the shop to refill, which costs extra time and fuel. These negative effects don't even consider the environmental harm caused by using too much salt.

Equipment controllers that automatically adjust the spreader and sprayer settings to achieve the correct rates on a property can help solve this problem. As a driver speeds up, the controller increases the material application rates to compensate. The opposite happens when the driver slows down. Additionally, each jobsite can be geofenced so that the equipment will not apply material outside of the set boundaries.

But the benefits of automated application technology go beyond these abilities. With traditional spreader or sprayer controls, the operator would turn a numbered dial to a preferred setting for an assumed application rate. Perhaps their sweet spot is "6" or "8" based on experience, and they lock this in for every application. This may be somewhat reliable, but it's not that scientific.

With today's more advanced controllers, it's not a matter of selecting a number on a dial, but rather plugging in exactly what the site requires based on suggested application rates or what the customer has requested. Let's say the needed application rate is two pounds of material per 1,000 square feet. The operator can simply enter this into the controller and, properly calibrated, that's what will be distributed.

Not only can automated material settings increase profitability, but this technology can also significantly improve driver safety. Since the controller does all the work, drivers can focus solely on driving without having to make any manual equipment adjustments. They don't have to worry about the spreader vibrator, either, since some controllers have an auto vibrate feature that can be enabled.

By making the job easier on drivers, contractors may find it easier to hire workers. Automated technologies reduce the skill level required of new employees, potentially expanding the talent pool. Also, employees may be more likely to stay at a company if the work is simplified.

Many people fall into habits of using the same materials and rates they've historically used, taking somewhat into account the current weather conditions.

Technology has become so advanced that it can often make better material recommendations than an experienced operator.

Some spreader controllers are equipped with sensors to monitor surface temperatures, humidity and other real-time conditions. At the same time, they download site-specific weather forecasts. They analyze all of this information, along with historical spreading data, to recommend which granular and/or liquid materials to apply - and how much to apply - to calculate the best, most efficient method of treating a site effectively.

2 - Weather monitoring

Although it's important for contractors to understand the effective temperature ranges and application rates of ice melting products, technology can make these decisions easier.

The weather monitoring capabilities work in conjunction with the automated material application technology. As a result, drivers simply need to accept the material recommendations and start driving. The equipment does the rest.

3 - GPS tracking

Contractors with multiple drivers will also appreciate the advancements of GPS tracking. Multiple systems are available to track the locations of drivers; but the biggest benefits come from integrated solutions that use GPRS technology, which is a two-way communication channel. When built into a spreader or sprayer, a GPRS controller can let contractors know the location of each driver, what material and how much they're applying, and other data. Additionally, contractors can use a computer, tablet or smartphone to remotely geo-fence properties and adjust material application rates while drivers are on the job.

GPS mapping technology can go a step further by recommending driver routes based not only on distance from one jobsite to another, but also predicted refill intervals. As a result, contractors can experience lower fuel costs and quicker route completions.

4 - Reporting

Another improvement in snow and ice management technology is more sophisticated reporting. Equipment settings, weather conditions and GPRS data can be pulled into automated reports when using some of today's integrated systems. Contractors can save time, since they no longer need to pull data from multiple sources. This often results in improved accuracy since the information is pulled directly from the equipment controllers, rather than from manually entered data.

Of course, accurate reporting is key to minimizing liability. The amount of information presented in today's reporting software provides excellent protection by proving clients' properties were properly serviced according to weather conditions at the time. Contractors can even drill down to specific areas of a worksite, showing the amount of material applied at the location of an incident.

The common thread of these four advancements is integration. GPS trackers and reporting software, for instance, have been available for some time. But what really makes these things click is if they're all connected. When this happens, contractors can save time, make better decisions, service clients more efficiently, alleviate labor challenges and reduce liability exposure. And - perhaps most importantly - all of these capabilities can lead to happier clients. 

Craig Sandmann is managing director of Hilltip North America. Learn more at